Mission Amarillo's Impact
Below are snapshots of the mentoring and work that Mission Amarillo accomplishes with your help every year. Thank you!

Shoe Closet
Mission Amarillo's shoe closet provides free new athletic shoes to students in Amarillo, Bushland, Canyon, Highland Park, and River Road ISDs.
Some of the shoes we replace leave you amazed that they could be worn at all.
Since the shoe closet's inception in August of 2010, we have given away over 14,700 pairs of shoes!

Mission Amarillo is part of nationwide network of ParentChild+ sites working with underprivileged and under-resourced families to help love our neighbor and equip them for life.
Children who participate have:
- 30% higher graduation rates than their socioeconomic peers who did not have the program.
- 50% less likely of a need for Special Education services.
- Better performance on assessments and standardized tests than their peers without the program.
- Increased lifetime earning potential by up to 1 million dollars due to starting out on the pathway to success.

Be-Loved exists for young moms wanting to move from dependence to independence. This happens through healthy relationships. We walk alongside each mom, encouraging them to pursue their God-given ability to provide a future for their family.
Women who participate receive:
- One on one mentorship
- Empowerment through curriculum
- Education on life skills, child development, and local resources
- Support pursuing a career and life goals
- Community
- Access to the Be-Loved Store

365 Dad is a faith based, holistic mentoring program for dads 35 and younger. Our goal is to help dads understand who they are, what their values are, what issues they face, and how those issues can effect their fatherhood. Once dads have a grasp on these core issues, they can become the type of father they always wanted to be, and more importantly, the type of father their children need.
Children without present fathers:
- Are 4x more likely to live in poverty
- For girls, are 7x more likely to get pregnant as a teen
- Have more behavioral problems
- Have a 2x greater risk of infant mortality
- Are more likely to go to prison as adults
- Abuse drugs and alcohol at a higher rate
- Are 2x more likely to drop out of high school
- Suffer from obesity at 2x the average rate